by peakadmin | Aug 14, 2021
Peak has managed the characterization and remediation of CVOCs in soil and groundwater at a former razor blade manufacturing facility since 2013. Discharges during operations in the 1950s and 1960s caused contaminant concentrations in soil and groundwater greater than...
by peakadmin | Apr 4, 2021
Peak has provided LSRP services since 2013 for a group of companies that sent waste to a former waste transfer station that was abandon by its owner in the 1990s. The former facility accepted and transported solid and liquid industrial waste from numerous...
by peakadmin | Mar 15, 2021
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC Company (Peak) was retained by a property owner preparing for a transaction to conduct a Site Investigation and Remedial Investigation of mapped Historic Fill. Following the completion of soil sampling, Peak identified regulatory...
by peakadmin | Feb 27, 2021
Peak has been managing the investigation and remediation of several areas of concern (AOC), including chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater at the primary Site AOC, at a 20-acre former manufacturing plant serving the electric industry from 1917 to 1995 when...
by peakadmin | Mar 12, 2020
Peak has remediated PCB-contaminated soil at an industrial facility that previously triggered the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA). The primary area of concern is a former storage area that was investigated through soil sampling under previous ISRA events. An area...