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Peak has remediated PCB-contaminated soil at an industrial facility that previously triggered the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA). The primary area of concern is a former storage area that was investigated through soil sampling under previous ISRA events. An area of soil with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at concentrations greater than applicable soil standard at the time,and a total of approximately 3,000 tons of soil was excavated and disposed. Subsequent evaluation determined that PCBs in soil represent a potential risk to human health and the environment. Therefore, additional investigation activities were conducted to delineate soil to current NJDEP Residential Soil Remediation Standard (RSRS) to support remedial evaluations and selection. Peak determined that soil impact extended off-Site, obtained access,, and completed delineation to applicable standards. Peak subsequently developed a remedial action plan that achieved the most stringent standard on the off-Site property, excavated and removed on-Site soil for higher concentration PCBs, and consolidated remaining material under a cap. Peak completed tasks necessary under TSCA, recorded a deed notice for the remaining impact, and applied for a Remedial Action Permit from NJDEP to manage remaining soil that is impacted. Peak provided extensive services for this project, including the following.


    • Environmental Due Diligence
    • Industrial Site Recovery Act
    • LSRP Services
    • Site Investigation Report
    • Remedial Investigation Report
    • Remedial Action Workplan
    • Remedial Action
    • TSCA compliance
    • Health and Safety Plan
    • Waste Characterization and Management