by peakadmin | Mar 31, 2022
Peak Environmental (Peak) was retained by a property management company to provide LSRP services and manage environmental aspects of a 9.5 acre commercial and industrial property historically operated as a paper mill and clothing factory. The property is improved with...
by peakadmin | Aug 14, 2021
Peak has managed the characterization and remediation of CVOCs in soil and groundwater at a former razor blade manufacturing facility since 2013. Discharges during operations in the 1950s and 1960s caused contaminant concentrations in soil and groundwater greater than...
by peakadmin | Feb 27, 2021
Peak has been managing theĀ investigation and remediation of several areas of concern (AOC), including chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater at the primary Site AOC, at a 20-acre former manufacturing plant serving the electric industry from 1917 to 1995 when...
by peakadmin | Mar 12, 2020
Peak has remediated PCB-contaminated soil at an industrial facility that previously triggered the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA). The primary area of concern is a former storage area that was investigated through soil sampling under previous ISRA events. An area...
by peakadmin | Mar 9, 2019
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC company (Peak) was retained by a heating oil company to support preparation of their industrial property possible sale and trigger of the New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA). The property comprises approximately 5.5 acres and is improved with...