Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC company (Peak) was retained by a heating oil delivery company to respond to an overfill of a heating oil tank in a church basement. Approximately 400 gallons of oil was lost. The released flowed through gaps between the concrete floor and walls into course grained soil beneath the building to the water table, approximately 20 feet below grade, where it accumulated. Peak managed communications with regulators and the property owner, completed interior and exterior borings to characterized and delineate soil impact, and installed monitoring wells to locate and delineate the product on the water table. A sub-slab vapor management system was installed beneath the building to mitigate potential for vapors to enter the building. High vacuum extraction events were conducted to remove petroleum and impacted groundwater. A total of 736 gallons have been recovered, LNAPL thicknesses have been reduced to sheens, and dissolved-phase contaminants are not present in groundwater. Peak submitted a Remedial Action Report to NYSDEC recommending administrative closure. Services for this project included:
- Site Investigation
- Regulatory Consulting
- Remedial Investigation
- Remedial Action
- Remedial Action Report
- Waste Characterization and Management