by peakadmin | Mar 31, 2022
Peak Environmental (Peak) was retained by a property management company to provide LSRP services and manage environmental aspects of a 9.5 acre commercial and industrial property historically operated as a paper mill and clothing factory. The property is improved with...
by peakadmin | Aug 14, 2021
Peak has managed the characterization and remediation of CVOCs in soil and groundwater at a former razor blade manufacturing facility since 2013. Discharges during operations in the 1950s and 1960s caused contaminant concentrations in soil and groundwater greater than...
by peakadmin | Feb 27, 2021
Peak has been managing theĀ investigation and remediation of several areas of concern (AOC), including chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater at the primary Site AOC, at a 20-acre former manufacturing plant serving the electric industry from 1917 to 1995 when...
by peakadmin | Jan 16, 2021
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC company (Peak) was retained by a property management company to identify and resolve environmental aspects of a 9-acre commercial and industrial property. The property comprises approximately 9.5 acres and is improved with one multi-story building with...
by peakadmin | May 2, 2020
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC company (Peak) was retained by a heating oil delivery company to respond to an overfill of a heating oil tank in a church basement. Approximately 400 gallons of oil was lost. The released flowed through gaps between the concrete floor and walls into...