Classification Exception Areas
Classification Exception Areas
In order to protect the Ground Waters of the State, the NJDEP requires persons responsible for remediating releases that have impacted groundwater to document the level and extent of that impact, estimate how long concentrations of released contaminants will remain at values greater than the NJDEP GWQS, and maintain a monitoring program to verify the extent and duration. This information is documented in a DEP-issued Classification Exception Area/Well Restriction Area (CEA/WRA) Fact Sheet. The CEA/WRA is an administrative control which alerts the public as well as governmental organizations that the groundwater contained within the footprint is unfit for human consumption and not to be used for potable purposes.
Peak’s technical staff understands contaminant delineation to establish the footprint and depth of the impact, the fate and transport techniques to estimate the fate and transport of the contaminants, and the interpretation methods to develop an appropriate monitoring program. Our experience includes CEAs for historic fill that are maintained by NJDEP, single contaminants at low concentrations in a small area, and comingled contaminants from multiple sources that have impacted unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers requiring complex data collection, interpretation and modeling.
Our managers routinely establish CEA/WRAs as a non-active remediation tool to achieve regulatory closure, support the application for a groundwater Remedial Action Permit (RAP), and advance the project into a monitoring phase.
Redevelopment Project, Elizabeth, NJ
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group GBC company (Peak) was retained by a retail company to manage environmental aspects of the redevelopment of a former commercial and industrial property into a 525,000 square foot product distribution facility. The property comprises 35 acres and was...
Thermal Remediation Project, Maplewood, NJ
Peak has managed the characterization and remediation of CVOCs in soil and groundwater at a former razor blade manufacturing facility since 2013. Discharges during operations in the 1950s and 1960s caused contaminant concentrations in soil and groundwater greater than...
Rapid Response, Monmouth County, NJ
Rapid Response, Monmouth County, NJ A petroleum tanker truck was involved in an accident with another tanker truck at a major intersection in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Both tanker trucks lost product and the total released volume was approximately 3,500 gallons of...
Discuss Your Project
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group, GBC Company
26 Kennedy Blvd, Suite A
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
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