by peakadmin | Oct 27, 2022 | Blog, LSRPs, News, Site Remediation, Staff News
Peak Environmental, A Nova Group, GBC Company is a proud member of the East Brunswick Regional Chamber of Commerce. Peak recently sponsored and attended their annual awards dinner at the Park Chateau Estate & Gardens. The growth of this organization over the past...
by peakadmin | Aug 30, 2022 | Blog, LSRPs, News, Regulatory Compliance, Site Remediation
Solid and hazardous waste regulations in New Jersey require permits to transport solid waste materials and to operate receiving facilities. In addition, services related to brokering, purchase, sale or disposition of these materials also require a license, commonly...
by peakadmin | Jul 1, 2022 | Blog, LSRPs, News, Site Remediation, Staff News
A church in Newark managing environmental issues on their property found themselves caught in a dispute that stalled the project. Compliance with environmental regulations was needed allow full use of the property to the benefit of the church and surrounding...