Peak Environmental, A Nova Group, GBC Company (Peak) was retained to manage the investigation and remediation of heating oil released during a delivery into a basement tank at a professional services building. The oil migrated into underlying material through seams and other penetrations in the concrete floor. A qualified contractor was engaged to take the tank system out of service, empty the basement, remove building materials as needed, isolate and vent the basement space, and remove the floor as needed to excavate impacted material. Subsequent investigation and remediation tasks were completed in accordance with applicable NYS statutes and regulations, and with the oversight of the NYSDEC DER with support from NYSDOH regarding vapor intrusion issues.
The excavation removed approximately 80% of the basement footprint, and extended up to 5 feet below the floor. Approximately 40 tons of impacted material was removed and properly disposed. A surfactant treatment was applied to the open excavation to remove additional product. The excavation was restored with impermeable materials, vapor barrier and sub-slab passive venting system installed.
The groundwater investigation identified limited impact from the release, the supply well serving the property was not impacted, and potential future impact to the supply well was minimal due to low concentrations present in the source area, the removal of contaminant mass by excavation, and the susceptibility of petroleum products to natural degradation processes.
Vapor intrusion pathway managed through multi-round sampling program to identify vapor-phase contaminants potentially associated with the release, installation of a passive subslab vapor system as a precautionary measure, and sampling to verify the system is effective.
Peak conducted sampling, managed data and prepared technical documents for DER review and comment, and prepared a Final Engineering Report (FER) detailing the remediation and resulting site conditions. Based on this document, DER closed the Spill Number.