Trenton, NJ, September 19, 2024. The NJDEP Contaminated Site Remediation & Redevelopment (CSRR) program has had a very active 2024. They opened the year with a number of significant actions, including proposed amendments to the Ground Water Quality Standards (GWQS), revisions to their Field Sampling Procedures Manual (FSPM), created their supplemental LSRP certification for Soil RAP Applications, moved UST registration tasks to their on-line portal services, simplified process for minor administrative changes to Remedial Action Permits (RAP), published the new CSRR web site, and extended deadline to submit applications for funding in Brownfield Development Areas (BDA). And that was just the first quarter. They followed all this with publication of the entire updated FSPM, modification of soil remediation standards for lead, added groundwater to their supplemental RAP Application option, published their updated RAP Guidance document, published technical information guidance for PFAS and 1,4-dioxane, and more improvements to their RAP Application process.
Mix in annual publications, new training programs, updated online resources, and coordinating their Annual Regulatory Update Conference with another quarter to go marks considerable effort on the Department’s part. Their actions help ensure the regulated community has the information needed to successfully advance through a difficult regulatory processes. To discuss your project, contact Jeff Campbell or Kassidy Klink.
Jeffrey Campbell, LSRP, PG Kassidy Klink,PG, LSRP Back to News